Five reasons to do a in-home family photo session

Have you ever considered doing family photos in your home?

I think this style of photography is great and here are my five top reasons why you should think about doing one with your own family.

Sure, you might be thinking about having to make your home picture perfect, but truthfully it doesn’t have to be. That’s not what this is about.

Before we dig in, I just have to say how meaningful a session like this can be. The backdrop of your photos is your home, it refelcts your life, and their isn’t anything more personal than that.

My kids are grown. I love looking back at the pictures from when they were young. Especially the photos that showcase our home from when they were little seemingly a lifetime ago. I promise you, your home will evolve over the years, things will change and you may even move. However it unfolds, these images will bring you back to this time.

Why should you do an in home family session?

Reason number one

Everyone is the most comfortable in your home. It’s the place where you have built your beautiful and messy life together. It’s where you spend the most of your time. and the place where you are your true selves.

Plus the kids will feel at ease surrounded by their things and I bet they will want to show me their room and toys!

What kinds of things can we do at an in home session?

-Reason number two-

We can do photos of the things that you love doing as a family. The kids will be happy as the feeling is low key and they focus is on play and on them.

Kid's grow fast and the truth is, you won't remember every detail, but the photos will.

Someday when they are older you’ll appreciate the fact that you captured their favorite toys, the way they played with them or the way their bedroom looked.

Here are some suggestions of things that you could do for your session.

-Bake cookies

-Let the kids jump on the bed.

-Eat ice cream cones.

-Paint toe nails.

-Dress up time for the kids.

-Play your favorite game.

Make it your own, you can be certain that you will appreciate being able to look back at this time and remember.

Can we include our pets in the the family session?

Reason number three

And while we are inside Cozy and connected, it’s so easy to include your pets.

Let’s be real for a minute. For many of us, our pets are part of the family. So often they were here before the babies came. Including them in your family photos just makes sense. You can be sure that they will be easier to photograph if they are in your home.

What time of day should we do an in home family session?

Reason number four

You don’t have to worry about the weather. Taking pictures in a beautiful location is great, but the weather is always a considertation. With an in-home session we can pick a time frame that works well and we can stick with it even if it’s raining or freezing outside. By being inside we don’t have to worry about sunset time, early bedtimes or rescheduling do to bad weather. Mornings are my preferance as the light is nice at that time.

This is a moment to slow down and spend some quality time with your family. A moment to be cozied up on the couch or bed and simply have fun while loving on your kids. It’s a moment to wear comfortable clothes, to be yourselves and of course, bare feet are always welcome.

Plus you will have everthing you might need at your finger tips. If you need anything, whether it’s a snack, a change of clothes or to give someone a break, it’s so easy to do.

family in the kitchen

Why it’s important to have your home as the backdrop in family photos

Reason number five—

Creating a life together is really special!

Whether this is your first apartment, the first house you’ve ever purchased, or just the home that you plan to raise your chidlren in, it’s worth documenting.

Some day you’ll appreciate looking back at how your home looked many years ago.

How to prepare your home for an in-home photo session

Don’t worry if you feel like your house doesn’t look like something seen on social media. This isn’t about the perfect home, this is about you and your family, right here and now.

But there are a few things you can do to to make in-home photos work:

Hide the clutter it doesn’t have to be perfect, just hidden.

Don’t worry about things being spotless or super clean. None of that will matter.

Open up the blinds and curtains and let the natural light in.

Tips to prepare yourelves and the kids for an in home photo session

Be ready to have fun.

Let go of expectations.

Embrace the crazy.

Go with the flow.

Don’t expect your kids to be perfect. Don’t discipline them, instead act like they are the most adorable things ever.

Enjoy this time with your family and let’s make a lasting memory in the comfort of your home!